insanity day two.


All I can say is I’m so glad that you can blog sitting down. I have never been so sore in my whole entire life. I’m so tired, but so proud of me and my friends. We managed the whole forty five minutes and I feel so accomplished. Fair enough for people who are super fit and healthy it probably wouldn’t be a big deal, but for me it’s massive!

I have to say that they named it aptly. You truly have to be insane to try it, but I am going to keep going with it for as long as I possibly can. Keep your fingers crossed!!



I understand the younger generation the least. It generally worries me that there is no understanding of respect and hard work, I grew up knowing that if I didn’t work hard then I would achieve the things I was capable of. I wasn’t under the impression that the world owed me a living and that I could walk through life disrespecting people and making it as though I was the victim.

This is a very negative opinion, and I am no way tarring with the same brush. I have seen some exceptional young people, they have astounded me with what they accomplish when they put their minds to it. I would definitely say that I have been inspired by this group of people and would count myself lucky to live on the same planet as they do!



The most important lesson I have learned from my best friends is that being myself is the best thing I can do. I have struggled with this concept for as long as I can remember, but I have finally found people I am comfortable with, people who love me no matter what.

I love my friends, and I know they love me. I don’t need to be anyone but myself when I’m with them, because that is who they love and want to spend time with. I don’t need anything else from my friends. I hope that some day I will be able to repay them this favour.

My friends have taught me a great many things, too many to name, and to be honest I couldn’t ask for anything better, and I wouldn’t want anything better. I don’t need anything better because I already have the best.

Thank you.


stress levels.


I know you always have the same empty promises about how I’m going to blog more and spend more time on here etc. But oh my these last couple of weeks have pushed my stress levels through the roof, so now that it’s all over I’m absolutely exhausted. Sad huh? What a nice reward for all that work, not being awake to enjoy it.

I’m trying this new thing where I don’t promise anything, I just try my best and if I manage it then wahey, but if I don’t then there’s no guilt. Uni is becoming extremely stressful and the amount of work is tripling and I’m constantly at my wits end.

Maybe I’ll do a post on how I cope with being a stress head – maybe something productive will come out of my need to worry? Who knows hey?



I am trying to get back into writing, and geez is it hard. I opened up my novel file for the first time in what seems like forever and I have found myself looking at the words wondering what the hell I want to write.

Writing after a break from it is a massive pull, and I feel guilty within myself that I wasn’t more on top of it over the Christmas break it seemed that I had an excuse for why I couldn’t write, why I shouldn’t write. I know that this is a vicious circle and it is completely up to me to try and break it. I need to get into the mindset of writing and reading everyday. I want to make it part of my daily routine, something that is slotted in between my other daily activities. In fact I would love my writing to become a massive part of my day instead of something that I have to force.

I’m going to try and set aside at LEAST an hour a day where I commit completely to writing and making sure that I have dedication in my time, and get a decent amount of words down, whether or not they are worthwhile, but I really need to get a handle of these things.


My goals for 2014


So although I haven’t got any specific resolutions for 2014 that doesn’t meant that I haven’t got things that I want to achieve this year. I wanted to share them with you guys because I want to share that part of me with you!

  1. I want to make this blog as successful and a regular thing because I genuinely enjoy getting the feedback and sharing things that have gone on in my life.
  2. I really want to have a full draft of my novel to be completed and actually start the redrafting process which I know can be an even more daunting part of writing than the actual writing.
  3. I aim to have something of mine published even if it is in an online magazine or print, just something that will get me out there.
  4. I want a fulfilling job something that I can use my writing skill or even my reading skills. I want something that will make me a happy person.

These are just a few of my goals that I thought I would share there are a ton more – I have turned 2014 into the year that I begin to do more and don’t let things stop me. I thought I would narrow it down to things that are related to writing and the things I thought you would enjoy reading about (:

The ‘Divergant’ series.


I have to admit that I gave into the craze and the hype and started to read these. I have to say I loved the idea of where I thought they were going, I thought that there was so much potential for the society that was being built within these books. I think that was the one reason I carried on reading, in a desperate hope that for just once a series would fulfill my expectations.

Once again it failed. The romance elements took over and it became just another teenage romance. I mean if it was written well than the romance would have made more sense, but the transition was too fast and there were too many ‘angry’ times where they weren’t talking. I think that if there had been more focus on what the story was actually about and maybe integrated the romance into the storyline as a secondary it would have been pulled off a lot better.

One thing that I would have loved to see more off would be the development of the other characters and more of an interest in their back story and the relationships that they look after and those that they don’t care about. I found that by the time I got to the last book I was forgetting who was who and what their involvement was.

However I am really looking forward to watching the film, the trailer looks amazing and maybe it will do a better job of portraying the inner workings of the society, but the book for me just didn’t cut the mustard as they say.

Have a look at the trailer. –

The start of this year.


I vowed to myself that I would come more present on my blog, I wanted to reconnect with what made me love it so much in the first place. I think I saw myself as blogging everyday and making a real push, however this was before I started the mammoth essay, and I have literally sat for the last three days and not moved from my laptop, inducing one of the worse migraines ever.

I am hoping now that it’s over that I might have more time to do things that I want to do. I want to focus more on my blog and my writing. If you want to see more of something then, please let me know. Depending on how tonight goes I may have a review for you, and if not it will definitely up tomorrow.

If I don’t do the reviews tonight I may have something else up to entertain you.





I’m sat here contemplating what I want for the new year, and this is something I have done every December 31st. Every year there was something that I wanted to achieve more than anything and this year I am struggling. There is nothing new that I want to achieve that I haven’t already set my mind to.

2014 is going to be a big year for me and my friends so all I can do is carry on what I’m doing and keep trying my best at everything that I set my mind to. I want to be successful in myself this year and try and get a hold on my life, and make sure that I am set up to be the happiest that I can possibly be.

I want my life to mean something and as I look over everything I have done this past year I can happily say that although there are some things I would like to change, I have done well to move on from the things that I have to. I have made sure that I have surrounded myself with people who actually care about me and I care about them and their opinions.

2014 is going to be a good year, and not because I make stupid promises, but because I make it so.

Happy new year guys!

First NaNoWriMo


So I’ve had to take some time off from blogging which I hated, but I really wanted to give my first NaNoWriMo the best chance that I could. Unfortunately I didn’t win despite giving it my best shot. I got to just over 30,000 words and although it’s short by quite a lot, it is a lot more than I have ever written, especially in 30 days.

So this was just an update on my ‘loss’ at NaNoWriMo and the fact that I am back with a vengeance.